This year has been all sorts of weird…with fear and restrictions our lives have changes drastically… BUT… Here we are and we are still walking!!  We are taking care of ourselves and we are taking care of our mental health and we are still moving forward…
So if you live in Cape Town and surrounds join us for our version of Crazy for Walking this year!  It is out in nature, we will walk faaaar apart, but despite all that we have endure we are definitely still walking!
Contact marlene@crazyforwalking 072 547 3730

Crazy for Walking 2020

Due to Covid-19 we are limited to hosting sporting events… but we are still walking!  Walking is essential to improve mental wellness.  Walk where you are and share your photos with us.  Remember to wear Crazy Socks on 10 October to show your support for mental illness #CrazySocksDay

The WHO theme for World Mental Health Day 2020 is:  Move for mental health


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